Community Picnic
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. on July 13
Bighorn Park in East Vail
This will be the 21st year for the picnics! Hosting the July 13 picnic at Bighorn Park will be members of the Town Council and representatives from the Public Works, Fire, Finance and Administration departments.
During the event, picnickers will be encouraged to learn more about neighborhood emergency evacuation plans, fire safety landscaping tips, the Vail Trail Host volunteer program and the upcoming Town Council election in November.
Featured during both picnics will be information on wildfire preparedness and emergency evacuation, housing programs for locals, plus candidate filing deadlines and voter registration details for the Town Council election in November. Also, representatives will be available to provide updates on the West Vail Master Plan, Civic Area Master Plan and details about the return of the Vail Social community potluck dinner in September.
Hope to see you there!